Transitional Housing

Impact Stories: Kevin

Kevin served his country as a field radio operator for four and a half years while stationed in Pendleton, where he traveled the world to ensure the safety and efficacy of communication channels. After spending about 20 years living overseas, Kevin returned home to Fort Myers after his father brought him a plane ticket, missing him terribly. Kevin decided to stay;  Tragically, his father passed away in 2019, triggering a series of health issues that included heart problems, chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. The loss of his job added to the mounting challenges, transforming his life into an uphill battle….

Impact Stories: Ted

Transitioning from military life wasn’t hard for Ted, likely due to his athletic background emphasizing discipline and structure. Yet, navigating civilian job opportunities to align with his former military role as a signalman presented challenges.  Unexpectedly, Ted discovered his new calling within the hospitality and food industry. Utilizing the precision and discipline learned from managing flags, spotlights, and Morse code, he began serving up delicious food from a truck he co-owns with another veteran. On top of this, he also works at a popular local restaurant as the head of their events and wedding catering division.  Ted’s life took a…

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